Episode 4.5b

It is becoming harder and harder to get illicit advance information about the next episode of the show as the studio tightens up to stop spoilers leaking out to the millions of fans who, perversely, seem to want just that. The rivalry with GoT has really upped the stakes. In this poor quality picture obviously taken through the railings from afar, it seems that Alan (centre right) and guest star Whoopi Goldberg (centre left, with familiar hat on ground) are arguing about ‘blocking’. Michelle Yeoh is not in costume and so, perhaps, we can infer she’s not in the scene, which is obviously set in Spaceport, though why there is an equestrian saddle there is frankly anyone's guess. Whoopi’s understudy is looking on from one of the rigs. The most interesting aspect from a technical point of view is the state of the art lighting equipment to stage right with a worried looking lighting techie (far right).