Episode 4.15c

So that’s a wrap. Season 4 of Alan’s show ending on quite a tense cliff hanger.

Why did Kip Thorne, American theoretical physicist and Nobel Laureate, known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics, pretend to be Harry Mudd to spread lies about the safety of flying into black holes?

Pulled by the extreme gravitational forces out of the protective cocoon of his crochet-technology saucer, can Alan survive even the next few moments (though, being an eternity, they will seem rather longer to Alan, especially towards the end)?

If, as Kip (as we now call him) persuaded him last night in Quark’s, a black hole is merely a conduit to another region of space-time where and when might Alan emerge?

If Lois Sparling is to be the new show runner (as the bookies already think) as a condition for a surprisingly recommissioned Season 5 and to stop it being ‘a bit mental’ in that previously noted regrettable phrase, will it favour more episodes such as Easter’s episode 4.3 with a more obvious religious sub-text?

Who knows what the future will bring?!