Season 7 Poster

Viewers will recall that Season 6 of Alan the Alien ended with Alan, transformed into Garrula of Borg, being fired on by his own Number One, Tenbury Wells, and thus likely to be written out of the series. Rumours circulating in the trade papers suggest that this behind-the-scenes studio coup was engineered by none other than industry Svengali and former show runner Lois Sparling.

But in a surprise turn of events, it seems that Alan himself may have taken a hand in hiring a previously unknown vibey new design company (known simply as ‘ISLA’: perhaps an offshoot of the famous Islington Arts scene?) for the Season 7 poster, contrasting with the darkness of the much criticised Season 6 poster. Surely this indicates a return of both Alan himself and the optimism of the boldly going / exploring new worlds ethos of earlier series?