Episode 4.9

While, perfectly plausibly, his claustrophobic personal florist turns out to be the best man to wrestle with complex electronics in a confined space (mercifully, mainly off-screen), Alan leads some trusty companions to free General Martok from Dominion Internment Camp 371.

After months in the rough care of Jem’Hadar First Ikat’ika, and thus now missing his arm, Martok requires all his Klingon sang froid to sing ‘Hear! Sons of Kahless’ while his rescuers send him away in a van / run-about.

All together now!
Qoy qeylIs puqloD 
Qoy puqbe’pu’ 
yoHbogh malthbogh je’ SuvwI’ 
Sey’moHchu’ may’ ‘Iw 
maSuv manong ‘ej maHoHchu’ 
nI’be’yInmaj ‘ach wovqu’! 
batlh maH ghbej’jyoqIjDaq 
vavpu’ma’ DImuvpa’reH maSuvtaH 
Qu’ DamevQo’ maSuvtaH, ma’ov